South Philadelphia, PA
There are many so-called 'natural' products on the market and most if not all are pretty tasteless!-- in my experience. When I began to look for a factory that would make SPG exactly the way I made it in my kitchen I didn't know it would take 4-years! to find one, until I began calling states other than my own in NJ. But they all said the same thing, "why do you want to cook it?"
which was how I discovered that pasta sauces produced in factories, sold for mass consumption and found on supermarket shelves, are 'cooked' no longer! than 6-minutes, 10, if it's left in the kettle, 10-minutes max. I knew I wasn't going to do that. I was from South Philly.
SPG is made exactly as it was in my kitchen, fresh-cut whole tomatoes, fresh onions, fresh long pepper hots, (in the 'HOT'), fresh garlic, expeller pressed virgin olive oil, good red wine, good spices, love. The crushed tomatoes part is Sclafani made through a secret special process & touted on a Martha Stewart show as the only crushed tomatoes to use if one is serious about making a good pasta sauce, & sweetened w/just a few raisins, Sicilian style!*
And real South Philadelphians Have always known that like it or not, South Philadelphians are Stereo typed in the eyes and minds of many “out-of-towners.” No matter how meek and mild you may be, your cousins from Northeast still ask how close your house is to the sights of mob killings. Everybody wants to know if the neighborhood butcher “really cuts beef for a living;” If the corner steak shop sells more than provolone hoagies; and if you got your VCR from a department store or the corner hood who “made you an offer you couldn’t refuse.” In addition to some of the negative images local residents have tallied over the years, South Philadelphians have also been recognized as warm, sincere, down to earth people. And there are, however, some traits that true South Philadelphians have come to recognize as real South Philadelphian characteristics. These are just a few: